Estimates of the monthly average population present capture the average nightly population present (APP) in each Statistical Level Area 3 (SA3). As these are monthly estimates, they minimise short-term spikes in population numbers that may occur in a given month, for example over the Easter holiday period.
TEMPO estimates are based on the 2018 data and may be aggregated across regions to create custom geographies. _______________________________________________________________ TEMPO estimates account for residents at home, residents absent, domestic and international visitors.
APP = Estimated Resident Population (ERP) - Residents Leaving + Domestic Visitors + International VIsitors
APP/ERP refers to the ratio of the APP to the ERP. _______________________________________________________________
Tab ‘SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION’ is an interactive geographical map where APP/ERP ratios are presented across SA3s for each month.
Tab ‘MONTHY VARIATION’ is an interactive graph that shows TEMPO estimates and components of population change for each SA3 throughout the year.
Tab ‘VIEW AND DOWNLOAD DATA’ is an interactive table where TEMPO estimates can be viewed and the excel file can be downloaded. _______________________________________________________________
Funding: the Australian Research Council Linkage Program, LP160100305.
This dashboard was developed by a team of researchers at the Queensland Centre for Population Research, the University of Queensland.