This dashboard shows coronavirus (COVID-19) infections over time in Queensland, Australia starting from March 16, 2020.
TweetData for visualisations and tables are all sourced from the Queensland Health web page:
According to the Queensland Health, HHS level case data may include a patient’s residential address, Public Health Unit managing or location where test was ordered. Changes may occur in the number of notifications reported from day to day. This is due to ongoing maintenance and update of notification details as new information becomes available, or where discrepancies are detected through data quality assurance activities.
Due to ongoing updates of details regarding individual cases, Queensland Government can revise total cases. This results in negative new cases and the mismatch between new daily confirmed cases and the count of new cases to date.
The Queensland Centre for Population Research holds no responsibility for the accuracy of the data.
The dashboard will be updated as data become available on the Queensland Health web page.
The time in days it would take for the number of confirmed cases to double assuming today’s rate of increase.
The number of deaths recorded by Queensland Health where the patient had a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result.